2004 (13th)
Blue Planet Prize Laureates
The laureates of 2004(13th)
Dr. Susan Solomon (USA)
Born in 1956
Senior Scientist, Aeronomy Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
For pioneering work in identifying the mechanism that produces the Antarctic ozone hole and momentous contributions towards the protection of the ozone layer

Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway)
Born in 1939
Chairman WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development)
Former Prime Minister of Norway
Director-General Emeritus, WHO
For putting forward globally the innovative concept of sustainable development, an idea that aims to balance environmental conservation with economic growth

- Information on past Blue Planet Prize laureates corresponds to their titles and positions at the time Prize was awarded.
- Each year the prize winners give lectures at the "Blue Planet Prize Commemorative Lecture".
- Every five years, lectures together with essays are compiled and published in a periodical book titled "A Better Future for the Planet Earth".
- The video of the lectures are available only from 2009.