2009 (18th)
Blue Planet Prize Laureates
The laureates of 2009(18th)
Professor Hirofumi Uzawa (Japan)
Member of The Japan Academy
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
As a theoretical framework for confronting environmental issues such as global warming, he has advocated the concept of Social Common Capital, which contributed to pioneering and highly original achievements from a very early stage.

Lord (Nicholas) Stern of Brentford (UK)
Born in 1946
Professor, The London School of Economics
Having reported the economic and social impact of and actions against climate change in The Economics of Climate Change with the approach of using cutting edge natural sciences and economics, he provided a clear cut polisy regarding the global warming, which has had a major impact on the world.

- Information on past Blue Planet Prize laureates corresponds to their titles and positions at the time Prize was awarded.
- Each year the prize winners give lectures at the "Blue Planet Prize Commemorative Lecture".
- Every five years, lectures together with essays are compiled and published in a periodical book titled "A Better Future for the Planet Earth".
- The video of the lectures are available only from 2009.